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Let’s begin today with a little trip down memory lane…


In , I covered off the first two phases of any content marketing program. Plugins for phase one (the strategy, planning and organisation phase) included those designed to assist with content curation, powerful editorial calendars that enable seamless collabration, and even tools to assist with content marketing research.

在 ,我介绍了任何内容营销计划的前两个阶段。 第一阶段(策略,计划和组织阶段)的插件包括旨在协助内容策划的插件,可实现无缝协作的强大编辑日历,甚至用于协助内容营销研究的工具。

Plugins for phase two (content curation and audience engagement) featured tools that enable you to create easy-to-use content templates, interactive list posts with audience voting enabled, and even e-marketing campaigns.


Today, I’ll take a look at the next three phases of any content marketing program: social sharing, content amplification, and monitoring and evaluation.


用于内容营销社交共享的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins for Content Marketing Social Sharing)

There is no point in creating consistently scheduled, insightful, engaging, informative content, accompanied by awe-inspiring images if you don’t distribute it to as many people as possible. Social media platforms are one of, if not the, most effective and all-pervasive ways to disseminate content. So, plugins that bridge the divide between WordPress and social media sites are incredibly important when it comes to content marketing.

如果您不将其分发给尽可能多的人,那么创建一致的计划,有见地,引人入胜的信息内容以及令人赞叹的图像是没有意义的。 社交媒体平台是(即使不是)最有效和最普及的内容传播方式之一。 因此,在内容营销方面,弥合WordPress和社交媒体网站之间鸿沟的插件非常重要。


Designed with the objective of increasing website traffic, the Revive Old Posts plugin tweets old WordPress posts. Basically, this plugin breathes new life into your old posts, re-sharing them on your behalf. You can also use it to share new posts, set specific amounts of time between sharing posts on social media, set a custom schedule, and use hashtags to associate your posts with particular subjects. It is a relatively popular plugin, with over 380,000 downloads, and (at the time of writing) it was updated just last week and had a 3.9 star rating.

Revive Old Posts插件旨在提高网站访问量,旨在发布WordPress旧帖子。 基本上,此插件为您的旧帖子注入了新的活力,并代表您重新共享它们。 您还可以使用它来共享新帖子,在社交媒体上共享帖子之间设置特定的时间间隔,设置自定义时间表,以及使用标签将帖子与特定主题相关联。 它是一个相对流行的插件,下载量超过380,000,并且(在撰写本文时)它是在上周更新的,并获得3.9星评级。

Revive Old Post


Created by the team at Co-Schedule, this plugin has been dubbed ‘the easiest way to get more shares for your content’. Basically, it enables you to embed click-to-tweet boxes within your blog posts. You can fill these boxes with pull quotes or any other custom message that you believe is appropriate for a tweet. Then, your readers can quickly and easily tweet this to their own timeline. It makes social sharing of your WordPress blog content much simpler, and much more likely.

该插件由Co-Schedule团队创建,被称为“为您的内容获取更多份额的最简单方法”。 基本上,它使您可以将“单击发送”框嵌入到博客文章中。 您可以在这些框中填充引号或您认为适合于tweet的任何其他自定义消息。 然后,您的读者可以快速轻松地在自己的时间轴上发布此推文。 它使您的WordPress博客内容的社交共享变得更加简单,而且更有可能。

Click to Tweet


To ensure as many tweets, shares and likes as possible for your content, you have to make social sharing as easy as possible. There are quite a few social sharing plugins on the market. The main difference between all of them is their look and feel. Although, according to WPBeginner, the team behind the Floating Social Bar plugin, the point of difference for this plugin is that it does not impact the speed of your website. This lightweight plugin allows you to add a floating social sharing bar to blog posts and pages. Its floating-ness is quite eye-catching. If you opt for this plugin, keep in mind that, in order to keep it lightweight, it only supports the main social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest). The other means by which Floating Social Bar is kept light is through the fact that it only loads script when absolutely necessary; if it’s not needed, it shows a replica image of all counts on your page or post. Scripts are only loaded if someone actually hovers over the floating bar. This plugin is updated regularly and with over 100,000 downloads, it has a 4.3 star rating.

为了确保内容的推文,分享和喜欢尽可能多,您必须使社交分享尽可能容易。 市场上有很多社交共享插件。 它们之间的主要区别是外观和感觉。 根据WPBeginner,Floating Social Bar插件背后的团队,尽管此插件的不同之处在于它不会影响您网站的速度。 这个轻巧的插件使您可以向博客文章和页面添加浮动社交共享栏。 它的浮动性非常醒目。 如果选择此插件,请记住,为了使其轻巧,它仅支持主要的社交媒体网络(Twitter,Facebook,Google +,LinkedIn和Pinterest)。 保持浮动社会栏的另一种方法是,仅在绝对必要时才加载脚本。 如果不需要,它将显示页面或帖子上所有计数的副本图像。 仅当有人将鼠标悬停在浮动栏上时才加载脚本。 该插件会定期更新,下载量超过100,000,它的评分为4.3星。

Floating social bar


Just in case you’re not keen on the Floating Social Bar plugin, I thought I’d cover Digg Digg, another social media sharing plugin. Designed by the team at Buffer, this plugin does offer sharing to a greater number of social media platforms (Twitter, Buffer, Facebook, Digg, LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit, dZone, TweetMeme, Topsy, Yahoo Buzz, StumbleUpon, Del.icio.us, Sphinn, Designbump, WebBlend, BlogEngage, Serpd, Pinterest, Pocket and Tumblr). It also allows you to customise the display of the sharing buttons, and supports both printing and email. With 900,000 downloads, Digg Digg’s star rating of 3.5 stars is a bit less than Social Floating Bar.

以防万一您不喜欢Floating Social Bar插件,我想我将介绍另一个社交媒体共享插件Digg Digg。 该插件由Buffer团队设计,确实可以与更多社交媒体平台(Twitter,Buffer,Facebook,Digg,LinkedIn,Google +,Reddit,dZone,TweetMeme,Topsy,Yahoo Buzz,StumbleUpon和Del.icio)共享。我们,Sphinn,Designbump,WebBlend,BlogEngage,Serpd,Pinterest,Pocket和Tumblr)。 它还允许您自定义共享按钮的显示,并支持打印和电子邮件。 Digg Digg的下载量为900,000次,其3.5星的星级评分略低于Social Floating Bar。

Digg Digg

用于内容营销放大的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins for Content Marketing Amplification)

With any content marketing campaign, once you’ve got readers hooked, you want to keep them on line for as long as possible. That’s where our next type of plugins comes in handy. All these plugins all share the same objective: to encourage your readers to keep reading, to click on another link, to check out another blog post.

在进行任何内容营销活动时,一旦吸引了读者,您就希望尽可能长时间保持在线。 这就是我们的下一类插件派上用场的地方。 所有这些插件都具有相同的目标:鼓励您的读者继续阅读,单击其他链接并查看另一篇博客文章。


Generally speaking, once a post is published, it tends to disappear into the ether, only to be seen if you really go digging for it, or happen to link to it in a more recent post. Not so with this plugin. It is able to match keywords, titles and categories, and provide a list of related blog posts at the end of each new post or in your website’s sidebar. It goes some way towards lowering your website’s bounce rate, and helps your old posts see the light of day once more. It even offers detailed reporting on your entire related content list. With such powerful benefits, it’s no wonder that it has been downloaded more than 3.2 million times.

一般而言,一旦发布了某个帖子,它就会消失在以太坊中,只有当您真正去挖掘它,或者碰巧在最近的帖子中链接到它时,才能看到它。 这个插件不是这样。 它能够匹配关键字,标题和类别,并在每个新帖子的末尾或您的网站侧栏中提供相关博客帖子的列表。 它可以降低您网站的跳出率,并帮助您的旧帖子再次出现。 它甚至提供有关整个相关内容列表的详细报告。 拥有如此强大的优势,难怪它被下载了超过320万次。



On the other hand, if you’d prefer to highlight popular posts (rather than related posts), then this plugin is probably the way to go. You can set how you want ‘most popular’ to be determined: by views, the number of comments, or even the average number of views per day. Using this plugin you can even determine a timeframe (say the last 24 hours, 7 days, or even 30 days) and will display either on each post, or in a widgetted area of your site. It also offers a range of reporting features. With almost a million downloads, Popular Posts currently has a star rating of 4.1.

另一方面,如果您希望突出显示热门帖子(而不是相关帖子),则可以使用此插件。 您可以设置确定“最受欢迎”的方式:通过观看次数,评论数,甚至每天的平均观看次数。 使用此插件,您甚至可以确定时间范围(例如过去24小时,7天,甚至30天),并显示在每个帖子中或网站的窗口小部件区域中。 它还提供了一系列报告功能。 热门帖子下载量接近一百万,目前星级评分为4.1。

popular posts

用于内容营销监控和评估的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins for Content Marketing Monitoring & Evaluation)

Last, but by no means least, we come to WordPress plugins for content marketing monitoring and evaluation. As with any type of marketing program, monitoring and evaluation are essential. Without them, there is no way for marketers to demonstrate return on investment, to justify (and have increased) their budgets, or improve on marketing campaigns the next time around.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们使用WordPress插件进行内容营销监控和评估。 与任何类型的营销计划一样,监视和评估至关重要。 没有他们,营销人员就无法证明投资回报,证明(并增加)预算的合理性,或者下次无法改善营销活动。


Google Analytics by Yoast can be invaluable in terms of evaluating what content worked best (and what bombed), as well as planning what sort of content to write as part of your content marketing program. This plugin helps you track just about every website statistic you could ever need. You can keep tabs on demographics, downloads, search results, acquisition, and so much more. Using this plugin, you can determine if you audience is comprised mostly of females or males, and then tailor content to suit. You can see what type of content is performing best, and then create more of this type of content. You can see when posts perform best, and publish more around that time of day. With over 7.5 million downloads and a 4.3 star rating, Google Analytics by Yoast is one of the most popular plugins on the market. If you haven’t already, install this plugin today.

Yoast的Google Analytics(分析)在评估哪种内容效果最好(哪些受到轰炸)以及计划在内容营销计划中编写什么样的内容方面具有不可估量的价值。 此插件可帮助您跟踪您可能需要的几乎每个网站统计信息。 您可以查看人口统计,下载,搜索结果,获取等信息。 使用此插件,您可以确定您的受众群体主要是女性还是男性,然后根据自己的喜好定制内容。 您可以查看哪种类型的内容效果最佳,然后再创建更多此类内容。 您可以查看帖子何时获得最佳效果,并在一天中的该时间发布更多内容。 Yoast的Google Analytics(分析)下载量超过750万次,获得4.3星评级,是市场上最受欢迎的插件之一。 如果尚未安装,请立即安装此插件。

Google Analytics by Yoast


If, for whatever reason, you’re not 100% on Yoast’s Google Anlytics plugin, then take a gander at Google Analyticator instead. This plugin automatically adds all the code needed to make Google Analytics talk to any WordPress powered website. Some of its other features include: an administrator dashboard widget which displays all your stats for the last 30 days, outbound link tracking, site speed tracking, and is available in a number of different language translations. It does only have half as many downloads as Yoast’s plugin, at 3.5 million, and has a 3.7 star rating.

如果出于某种原因,如果您不是100%使用Yoast的Google Anlytics插件,请改用Google Analyticator。 此插件会自动添加使Google Analytics(分析)与任何WordPress支持的网站进行对话所需的所有代码。 它的一些其他功能包括:管理员仪表板小部件,该部件显示过去30天的所有统计信息,出站链接跟踪,网站速度跟踪,并提供多种不同语言的翻译。 它的下载量仅是Yoast插件的一半,即350万次下载,并获得3.7星评级。

Google Analyticator

Content marketing is an extremely varied and expansive type of communication, so I have tried to be just as varied in my plugin choices, covering off all the main phases of a content marketing program, from strategy and planning, to content creation and evaluation. No doubt I’ve missed some particularly handy plugins along the way though. So, please feel free to add any other plugins in the comments below.

内容营销是一种极为多样化和广泛的交流方式,因此我尝试在插件选择方面做到多种多样,涵盖了内容营销计划的所有主要阶段,从策略和计划到内容创建和评估。 毫无疑问,我一路错过了一些特别方便的插件。 因此,请随时在下面的评论中添加其他任何插件。

Sources: http://writtent.com/blog/59-killer-content-marketing-stats-2014-edition





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